In the production of Rachel Galley website cookies ( are used to store anonymised data on the pages visited by all users. We have 4 categories of cookies:
1 - Necessary Cookies
These are the cookies necessary for the production of this website; they are for supplying you the service, like website security, customer service, logging in and building shopping baskets. These cookies are generated by our web systems such as Shopify.
2 – Statistical Analysis Cookies
These are the cookies that we use to monitor how we can improve your experience while visiting Rachel Galley website. These cookies don't identify individuals; they are used to anonymously identify user behaviour only on our website. These cookies are generated reated by Google Analytics and offer a series of reports detailing that trackdata such as most visited pages, or the time spent on the website and total number of daily visitors. (
3 – Personalisation Cookies
These are cookies that are used to ensure our website shows content that is relevant for your shopping behaviour. These cookies are only used to personalise the content on our website.
4 - Marketing Cookies
These are the cookies that we use to ensure the advertising that we deliver is relevant to your shopping behaviour. These often include cookies used for advertising on other websites. We use Google, Microsoft (Bing) and Facebook as our main marketing partners via the use of cookies. Details of all cookies and companies being used is available here.